"Drag your thoughts away from your troubles… by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it."
Harini rasa nak share tentang buku dari Dale Carnegie yg baru je aku baca berkaitan worry. The remedy for worry dan semua stress that follows is to get busy with something constructive.
"Drag your thoughts away from your troubles… by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it."
Harini rasa nak share tentang buku dari Dale Carnegie yg baru je aku baca berkaitan worry. The remedy for worry dan semua stress that follows is to get busy with something constructive.
I’m reading to Dale Carnegie’s How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. It’s an amazing book. Just as good as How to Win Friends and Influence People. In fact, parts of it are even better and more applicable untuk situasi aku dekat university, work/ home. If you are going to get either of these books, cepat2 dapatkan. The stories really lend themselves well to the narrator is amazing.
Getting busy with productive work is a key tip from this book for dealing with worry. In fact, keeping busy with anything helps! Here’s a quick exercise to prove my point (adapted from the book):
1. Imagine a picture of the Statue of Liberty. Get a nice picture in your mind’s eye. Jika perlukan bantuan, here’s a reminder of what she looks like. Comel tak kakton? haha
2. Now imagine what you are going to eat tomorrow for breakfast. Below is an image of a healthy breakfast, a chocolate smoothie Shake : wowww!
Now try to really focus about both the Statue of Liberty and Breakfast at the same time.
Keep trying….
Ok, that’s enough. hahahaha
It’s an impossible task. You can’t do it. Mana boleh ye dok? Despite what we think about humans being great at multitasking, when you really focus on something intently, you cannot focus on something else at the same time.
Applying this knowledge you can see how being busy with constructive things can virtually eradicate worry. The Army used this knowledge to help integrate soldiers coming home from WWII and dealing with severe mental stress, by keeping them productive and busy with public works projects.
We can apply the same tactic to deal with the stresses of life.
Just sitting around at home (or work or school) in boredom is a recipe for trouble.
Find a hobby. Exercise. Read more. Start a blog. Take a new class. Start a project. Write a letter. Clean your house or better yet, pergi mana2 seminar, kalau x pon datang event herbalife je . Do something constructive.
Get busy. Keep busy.
Now it’s time for me to go get busy texting dekat kawan2 tentang herbalife. xoxoxo
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