Monday, 3 March 2014

Perempuan - masters of the universe


Mak pernah told me once about how women are of 1 mind and 9 nafsu, while men are of 1 nafsu and 9 minds. i believe that nafsu here simply means emotion. theoretically then men are only capable of understanding a mere 11.9% of women's emotions while women could only see about 11.9% of men's logic. the rest of the 88% are spent in a vacuum where men and women argue and perhaps settle amicably over sex (although they still do not get each other). i'm pretty sure, when emak said that she meant the whole thing i've just said.
Mak too said, "women are always right". 

Arwah Nenek would always hug me and whispered, "belajar rajin-rajin, bila besar nanti, jadi orang besar-besar!" you see, this has a lot to do with quantum mechanics. size has a lot to do with mass, and mass is gravity. which means the bigger the mass, the bigger the attraction. which is why politicians, with many followers those who are attached to him are referred to as "orang besar-besar". That being said though, i never aspire to be orang besar.

my ustazah when i was 15teen, told me that "Nur" means light and is the guide that binds us. this too has a lot to do with quantum mechanics. Light is actually photon that binds matters. you need photons to bind atoms, atoms form molecules and hence forming objects. without light then, atoms will just be all over the place without a guide.My little sister when she was 16teen,. i recently found out that it meant a motorcycle if she did well in PMR. and she did.You see i believe women keep some of the greatest mysteries in this universe. some which might not be captured if a man kept pretending as if they were giving attention while in actual fact he was just thinking about the shape of the clouds. 

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